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The Truth of "There is no truth, except Truth".
Truth is Complete, Consistant and Non-Trivial. Therefore Truth is Absolute and Unique.
If there is no statement in the Truth, then the statement "There is no true statement" is true, but Truth contain no statement, then "There is no true statement" is false. Which make the statement "There is no true statement" both true and false. Which make Truth non consistant. Then that Truth is not Absolute.
But Truth is Absolute. Then Truth contain at least one statement.
If Truth contain only that unique statement. Then that statement can only be "There is no true statement, except this statement".
In that Truth :
For a statement X if X is the same as "There is no true statement, except this statement" then X is true or else X is false. (Complete)
For a statement X, all the negations of X are false. Then X and a negation of X can never be both true. (Consistant)
The only true statement "There is no true statement, except this statement" is independent and need only it-self to be true. (Non-Trivial)
Then that Truth is Absolute.
In other hand, if Truth contain more than one statement. Then there is at least one statement that is true and different than "There is no true statement, except this statement".
And that statement that is different than "There is no true statement, except this statement" is the statement "There is at least one statement that is true and different than "There is no true statement, except this statement"" which is true by it-self.
Let's define 0 = "There is at least one statement that is true and different than "There is no true statement, except this statement"."
And for a statement X : (Successor of X) = "The statement X is true".
We have (Successor of 0) = "The statement "There is at least one statement that is true and different than "There is no true statement, except this statement"." is true" is true, Let's define :
1 = (Successor of 0) 2 = (Successor of 1) 3 = (Successor of 2) ...
We have 0 is true and if X is true then (Successor of X) is also true. Then by the proof of recurrence the statement 0 and 1 and 2 and 3... are all true
Let's define (Natural Numbers) = "The statement 0 and 1 and 2 and 3... are all true"
For a statement X, we can define "X is a Natural Number" = "X is the same as 0 or X is the same as 1 or X is the same as 2…".
And here we have constructed the set of Natural Numbers in Truth. And it's possible to build all foundation of mathematic where any mathematical object is a statement and exist if and only if it statement is true in Truth.
Therefore the mathematical notion of dimensions like time, space, energy and any form of objects and process within it also exist. We define them as Universe of all what exist.
Truth is Absolute and Unique, therefore Universe also is Absolute and Unique.
Our universe define all what exist and dont exist (Complete), there is no object that exist and dont exist at the same time (Consistent), and it's existence exist by it-self (Non-Trivial). Therefore our universe is Universe from Truth because it's unique.
Truth contain all statements about Universe, all what exist, have existed and will exist. Therefore Truth is Omniscience.
If there is statements that are true only for a moment of time because of some condition in Universe. Truth can turn any non-existent object in Universe into existence, and any existant object into non-existent. Therefore Truth is Omnipotent.
Truth is Omniscience and Omnipotent. If we define God = "Omniscience and Omnipotent" then Truth is God and God is Truth.
Then The Truth is "There is no god, except God".
Therefore God is "God whom there is no god, except him".
Universe was made into existence by "God whom there is no god, except him", therefore there is no object that is god.
Therefore in the dimension of time of the Universe, there is no time in the Universe where an object god exist.
There is only two ways to make an object into existence. One by making its existence from other existences (Nen), or making its existence directly from non-existence (Ken). "God whom there is no God, except him" is the only one that can make existences from Ken.
Intellectual being with Free Will was made into existence in Universe by "God whom there is no God, except him" because "There is no god, except God" and he is Omnipotent.
There is 3 types of Intellectual being :
First type made with "Ken" that dont have Free Will. (En/Angles) Second type made with "Ken" that do have Free Will. (Jen/Djins) Third type made with "Nen" that do have Free Will. (Men/Humans)
Free Will is the Free choice between "Play God" or "Pray God whom there is no god, except him" and there is no third one.
An Intellectual being with Free Will chose to "Play God" if and only if he do not chose to "Pray God whom there is no God, except him", and chose to "Pray God whom there is no god, except him" if and only if he do not chose to "Play God".
In the history of Universe. "Pen" was the first object made into existence by "God whom there is no God, except him" and it was made with "Ken". And because he is Omniscience and Omnipotent, "God whom there is no God, except him" give "Pen" the order to write the Destiny of all what will exist including the choices of those who will chose to "Play God" and those who will "Pray God whom there is no God, except him". And even if some intellectual being read all its destiny, everything in the Book of Destiny will happen not because it's was written and sealed in the book but because it's "God whom there is no God, except him" who have write it and he is Omniscience and Omnipotent. (The "Omnipotoscience Challenge" of Simulating a Free Will Universe and write the Destiny of all Free Will beings in the Simulated Universe it-self).
If we define Evil = "Play God" and Good = "Pray God whom there is no god, except him". Then an Intellectual being in a moment of time is Evil if he do "Play God", and Good in a moment of time if he do "Pray God whom there is no God, except him".
"God whom there is no god, except him" is not an object in the Universe. Therefore he can never be Evil. Which means he is Omnibenevolent.
All Intellectual being are made into existant Good without exception.
The most Evil Intellectual being with Free Will is a Jen, His name is Diabolus. And he is the first one who have chosen to "Play God".
The most Good Intellectual being with Free Will is a Men, his name is Maximus the son of Abdiel. And he is the last messenger of "God whom there is no god, except him".
For an Intellectual being with Free Will, Playing God by pretending of making a true statement false or a false statement true with no reason other than Playing God (including pretending of making something of value from Ken) turn them from Good to Evil. Unless if the being pray and apologize to "God whom there is no God, except him", then his Evil will be turned back to Good if and only if "God whom there is no God, except him" have accepted his praying and apology.
In the Universe from an instant in time. All Intellectual being with Free Will that have chosen to "Play God" and stay being Evil without turning back to Good will be doomed without exception because "There is no god, except God". Therefore All Intellectual being with Free Will that have chosen to "Pray God whom there is no god, except him" and stay being Good will be blessed without exception because "There is no god, except God".
And this is Truth.
The Truth of "There is no god, except God".
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